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ConMed BioScrew  | Which Medical Device

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  • Added Mar 4, 2013
  • Manufactured by ConMed

These devices are composed of Poly (L-Lactic Acid) - the screw is gradually absorbed and eventually disappears. According to the manufacturer, they have a long-term absorption rate which ensures secure graft fixation throughout the healing process.      

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RTIBiologics BioSet Demineralized Bone Matrix | Used in Bone grafting | Which Medical Device

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BioSet Demineralized Bone Matrix

BioSet Demineralized Bone Matrix is a formulation of demineralised human allograft bone matrix in a highly purified gelatin carrier derived from Type 1 collagen and which sets at body temperature. This formulation is intended to resist migration. BioSet IC is a paste with bone chips that is more...

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Smith & Nephew BIOSURE Sync Tibial Fixation Device | Used in ACL reconstruction | Which Medical Device

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BIOSURE Sync Tibial Fixation Device

The BIOSURE Sync Tibial Fixation Device from Smith and Nephew is a device designed to increase the graft fixation strength on the tibial side after ACL repair. The device comprises an interference screw which sits inside an outer sheath and compresses the ligament graft against bone.  The...

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Smith & Nephew Birmingham Hip Resurfacing | Used in Hip resurfacing | Which Medical Device

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Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

The Birmingham Hip Resurfacing likely needs no introduction, as the device which kicked off the hip resurfacing revival of the last ten years. The device has been successfully marketed as a solution for younger patients requiring hip replacement, preserving bone on the femoral side. The...

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Smith & Nephew Birmingham Mid-Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) | Used in Total hip replacement | Which Medical Device

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Birmingham Mid-Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR)

The Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis is a device which, in terms of the bone resected, lies between the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing and a more standard total hip replacement. It can be used when it is possible to preserve part, but not all, of the femoral head. This may be helpful if...

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