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NeuMed Brevio Nerve Conduction Monitoring System | Which Medical Device

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Brevio Nerve Conduction Monitoring System

  • Added Feb 19, 2013
  • Manufactured by NeuMed

The Brevio NCS-Monitor enables patients to be evaluated for peripheral neuropathies using a traditional/conventional methodology. Examinations are performed using a single neuro-sensor to capture motor, F-wave and sensory responses. The device has been designed to perform reliable,...

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EMG Technologies Mediracer NCS | Which Medical Device

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Mediracer NCS

Mediracer NCS is designed for diagnosing sensoric nerve entrapments in an outpatient settings. The device tests for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome related median nerve entrapment; disposable surface electrodes determine whether the finding is abnormal and grade its severity.  Updated 22nd...

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BIOTRONIK Ilesto 7 ICD/CRT-D Series  | Used in ICD/Device therapy | Which Medical Device

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Ilesto 7 ICD/CRT-D Series

  • Added Feb 18, 2013
  • Manufactured by BIOTRONIK

  According to the manufacturer, the CE approved Ilesto 7 ICD/CRT-D Series includes one of the world’s smallest ICDs and features ProMRI technology which enables access to potentially life-saving MR scans. They say that the Ilesto offers patients and physicians the greatest...

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Globus Medical Secure-C | Used in Intervertebral disc replacement | Which Medical Device

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The Secure-C Cervical Artifical Disc is an FDA approved spinal implant designed as an alternative to fusion surgery in the cervical spine. The device is implanted to replace diseased or bulging disks and preserves range of motion in the spine. It comprises cobalt chromium molybdenum endplates...

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ELLA-CS SX-ELLA BD Stent | Which Medical Device

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  • Added Feb 11, 2013
  • Manufactured by ELLA-CS

This biodegradable stent is designed for use in the treatment of esophageal, tracheal, biliary and intestinal illness. According to the manufacturer, the device has been successfully applied in the colon to treat Crohn disease. They say that stent integrity and the radial force of the stent is...

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