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NuMED MULTI-TRACK Angiographic catheter | Which Medical Device

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MULTI-TRACK Angiographic catheter

  This product is distributed in the UK by  BVM Medical  for world wide distributors please consult the manufacturer. The MULTI-TRACK angiographic catheter utilizes a unique concept of guidewire location to increase flow rate and maneuverability of the catheters. Designed from...

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Contract Medical  DuraSheath | Used in Angioplasty | Which Medical Device

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 This product is distributed in the UK by BVM Medical, for supply outside the UK please consult the manufacturer.   DuraSheath DuraSheath is a new developed, percutaneous kink-free guiding sheath that combines a variable stiffness shaft and state of the art processing to provide an...

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Boston Scientific Mach 1 Guide Catheter | Which Medical Device

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Mach 1 Guide Catheter

This is a braided catheter with a PTFE lining available in a range of sizes from 6 to 8F and lumens of 0.070 to 0.091" The catheter has an atraumatic radio opaque tip.

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Biosensors International BioMatrix NeoFlex | Which Medical Device

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BioMatrix NeoFlex

The BioMatrix NeoFlex has, according to the manufacturer, an enhanced stent delivery system that provides clinicians with exceptional performance in complex lesions and challenging anatomies. The device has received CE Mark approval (May 2013). Photograph: Biosensors International

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Vascular Solutions GuideLiner Catheter | Used in Carotid stenting | Which Medical Device

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GuideLiner Catheter

The GuideLiner catheter is a unique coaxial “mother and child” guide extension with rapid exchange convenience for deep seating, added back-up support and coaxial alignment during coronary or peripheral interventions. The GuideLiner’s highly flexible rapid exchange guide...

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